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Beautiful Hands and Arms - Video Download

There is no magic step that makes you a great dancer, there is only the magic you put in each and every step” – Fahtiem

On this DVD Fahtiem shares how to put Magic into your hands and arms to make your dancing more expressive and graceful.

Fahtiem leads you through a warm-up to prepare for Beautiful Hands and Arms: from your rib cage, to your shoulders, and down your arms to the tips of your fingers. Then Fahtiem explains and demonstrates basic arm positions and hand and finger placements, including how to maintain correct posture, safe movement, and the difference between Oriental and Folk hand and finger placement.

Fahtiem will show you how to move your arms through space and Air Design to experience and connect to the full range of motion of your arms. She’ll teach you how to think about what you want your Beautiful Hands and Arms to look like, and how to use resistance and fluidity to achieve different feelings.

You’ll also learn beautiful hand and arm combinations and movement including: Diamond Ring, Reaching for the Stars, Painting the Floor, Candle Arms, and more plus a performance by Fahtiem with Beautiful hands and Arms!